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Recycling Articles
Recycling scrap metal is extremely beneficial to the environment.
Hoboken, New Jersey, streamlines recycling process for residents.
University of Louisiana at Monroe boasts United States' highest recycling rate.
Baltimore suburbs instituting pilot compost recycling program.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle exists to provide a resource for communities to find places to recycle a wide variety of products in their neighborhood.
How and Why would I Compost
You might want to compost if you need fertilizer for your garden or landscaping.
You might want to compost if you need fertilizer for your garden or landscaping. Compost is just as good or better than commericial fertilizers. It also doesn't cost anything to create compost because it's made with the organic waste you produce.
How Do I Recycle Old Books
One of the questions we receive at is "How do I recycle my old books?". We've compiled a list below of ways you can do recycle books and help out those who don't have access to books or resources to obtain them.
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
Frequently asked questions about recycling