Ecological Environmental Carbon Footprint Calculators
The following list of calculators will help you estimate the amount of greenhouse gases you release into the environment.
Ecological Environmental Carbon Footprint Calculators
Calculate Your Footprint
The following list of calculators will help you estimate the amount of greenhouse gases you release into the environment.
EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator
EPA's Personal Wheel Card Greenhouse Gas Calculator
Translates greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from units that are typically used to report reductions (e.g., metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) into terms that are easier to conceptualize (e.g., equivalent number of cars not driven for one year).
Climate Change Calculator - American Forests
Calculates tons of carbon dioxide emitted by your household this year, and number of trees that would need to be planted to offset those emissions.
SafeClimate's calculator allows individuals in the U.S., Canada and 36 other countries to calculate their "carbon footprint" and track their residential and transportation energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Users can choose to save their results and track their emissions over time.
Personal CO2 Calculation
A worksheet to determine yearly direct personal carbon dioxide emissions. Results include yearly personal carbon dioxide emissions and a per capita comparison chart to other industrialized countries. Suggestions on reducing emissions while saving money are also provided.
Travel Matters Emissions Calculators
TravelMatters! is a new website from the Center for Neighborhood Technology that provides a trio of resources - interactive emissions calculators, online emissions maps, and a wealth of educational content - that emphasize the relationship between more efficient transit systems and lower greenhouse gas emissions. TM’s Emissions Calculator allows users to conceptualize how much carbon dioxide they emit due to their travel decisions. The site also offers transportation emissions by county for all contiguous states.
CarbonCounter is an individual carbon dioxide emissions calculator generated by The Climate Trust, a pioneering non-profit organization that invests in high-quality projects that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions, and Mercy Corps, an international relief and development agency.
The Business Energy Analzyer is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of energy use in your business along with customized energy efficiency improvement recommendations. The calculator prepares a report, based on information submitted by the user, showing investments with greatest savings and those with the fastest payback on investment.Information on multiple buildings may be stored and updated for use in future analyses.
Energy Advisor / Home Energy Saver
The Home Energy Saver is designed to help you identify the best ways to save energy in your home, and find the resources to make the savings happen. The Home Energy Saver asks for a detailed description of your home, and then quickly computes energy use on-line. Results are provided in dollars, kilowatt hours and CO2 emissions for your house and the most energy efficient house. By changing one or more features, you can estimate how much energy and money you can save and how much pollution you can prevent by improving your home's energy efficiency. In addition, the Home Energy Saver's "Making it Happen" and Energy Librarian" modules connect users to an expanding array of "how-to" information resources throughout the Internet.
Home Analyzer
The Home Analyzer is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of energy use in your home, descriptions of measures to reduce energy use, and comparisons to similar homes. Estimates of monthly and annual energy costs and CO2 emissions are provided for eight categories of home energy use. After entering information about your home energy use, the calculator prepares a Home Energy Analysis Report designed to help you save energy and money. The report contains a summary of typical annual energy costs of appliances like yours, an estimate of how much homes similar to yours spend on energy on a monthly basis, and specific energy saving opportunities for your home.
Home Energy Checkup
Home Energy Checkup is a guide to identifying options for reducing energy costs through energy efficiency improvements. You can select from among 15 energy efficiency measures, compare costs to your current equipment or materials, and calculate cost and CO2 savings. It includes references to more sophisticated software tools, equipment manufacturers, and other sources of information you may need to implement specific energy efficiency projects.
The Power Profiler helps users determine the specific air emissions impacts of electricity used to power their home or business using actual monthly energy use information (provided by the user), average monthly use, or default values for monthly residential and commercial electricity use.
Calculator for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems (PVWATTS)
Many state electrical utilities have implemented programs where operators of photovoltaic systems connected to the electrical power grid can sell power to the utility operator. PVWATTS calculates electrical energy produced by a grid-connected photovoltaic system.
Calculates and compares miles per gallon, annual fuel use, fuel cost and greenhouse gas emissions for 1985-2001 model year cars and trucks.
See the SafeClimate carbon dioxide footprint calculator description in the Individuals section, above.
The CO2 Calculator
Calculates CO2 emissions from everyday Japanese electrical appliances and automobiles based on energy consumption figures.
United Kingdom
Energy to Carbon Dioxide Converter
Converts emissions from electricity consumption and transportation activities to equivalent amounts and provides information on ways U.K. households can reduce their energy consumption.
EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator
EPA's Personal Wheel Card Greenhouse Gas Calculator
- Equivalency Calculators
Translate greenhouse gas reductions into their equivalent units for example the number of automobiles taken off the road.
- Individual Emission Calculators
Estimate the greenhouse gas emissions from your daily activities and learn about opportunities to save energy and money.
- Home and Business Calculators
These calculators help you calculate your emissions and energy savings possibilities.
- Alternative Energy Calculators
These calculators help you estimate what energy savings you would have using alternative sources like solar or wind power.
- Car and Truck Emission Calculators
Estimate the fuel effinciency, cost of ownership, and environmental impact for vehicles by year, make and model.
Equivalency Calculators
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator - U.S. CTC GatewayTranslates greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from units that are typically used to report reductions (e.g., metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) into terms that are easier to conceptualize (e.g., equivalent number of cars not driven for one year).
Climate Change Calculator - American Forests
Calculates tons of carbon dioxide emitted by your household this year, and number of trees that would need to be planted to offset those emissions.
SafeClimate Carbon Dioxide Footprint CalculatorSafeClimate's calculator allows individuals in the U.S., Canada and 36 other countries to calculate their "carbon footprint" and track their residential and transportation energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Users can choose to save their results and track their emissions over time.
Personal CO2 Calculation
A worksheet to determine yearly direct personal carbon dioxide emissions. Results include yearly personal carbon dioxide emissions and a per capita comparison chart to other industrialized countries. Suggestions on reducing emissions while saving money are also provided.
Travel Matters Emissions Calculators
TravelMatters! is a new website from the Center for Neighborhood Technology that provides a trio of resources - interactive emissions calculators, online emissions maps, and a wealth of educational content - that emphasize the relationship between more efficient transit systems and lower greenhouse gas emissions. TM’s Emissions Calculator allows users to conceptualize how much carbon dioxide they emit due to their travel decisions. The site also offers transportation emissions by county for all contiguous states.
CarbonCounter is an individual carbon dioxide emissions calculator generated by The Climate Trust, a pioneering non-profit organization that invests in high-quality projects that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions, and Mercy Corps, an international relief and development agency.
Homes and Businesses
Business Energy AnalyzerThe Business Energy Analzyer is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of energy use in your business along with customized energy efficiency improvement recommendations. The calculator prepares a report, based on information submitted by the user, showing investments with greatest savings and those with the fastest payback on investment.Information on multiple buildings may be stored and updated for use in future analyses.
Energy Advisor / Home Energy Saver
The Home Energy Saver is designed to help you identify the best ways to save energy in your home, and find the resources to make the savings happen. The Home Energy Saver asks for a detailed description of your home, and then quickly computes energy use on-line. Results are provided in dollars, kilowatt hours and CO2 emissions for your house and the most energy efficient house. By changing one or more features, you can estimate how much energy and money you can save and how much pollution you can prevent by improving your home's energy efficiency. In addition, the Home Energy Saver's "Making it Happen" and Energy Librarian" modules connect users to an expanding array of "how-to" information resources throughout the Internet.
Home Analyzer
The Home Analyzer is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of energy use in your home, descriptions of measures to reduce energy use, and comparisons to similar homes. Estimates of monthly and annual energy costs and CO2 emissions are provided for eight categories of home energy use. After entering information about your home energy use, the calculator prepares a Home Energy Analysis Report designed to help you save energy and money. The report contains a summary of typical annual energy costs of appliances like yours, an estimate of how much homes similar to yours spend on energy on a monthly basis, and specific energy saving opportunities for your home.
Home Energy Checkup
Home Energy Checkup is a guide to identifying options for reducing energy costs through energy efficiency improvements. You can select from among 15 energy efficiency measures, compare costs to your current equipment or materials, and calculate cost and CO2 savings. It includes references to more sophisticated software tools, equipment manufacturers, and other sources of information you may need to implement specific energy efficiency projects.
Alternative Energy
Power ProfilerThe Power Profiler helps users determine the specific air emissions impacts of electricity used to power their home or business using actual monthly energy use information (provided by the user), average monthly use, or default values for monthly residential and commercial electricity use.
Calculator for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems (PVWATTS)
Many state electrical utilities have implemented programs where operators of photovoltaic systems connected to the electrical power grid can sell power to the utility operator. PVWATTS calculates electrical energy produced by a grid-connected photovoltaic system.
Cars and Trucks
Fuel Economy Web SiteCalculates and compares miles per gallon, annual fuel use, fuel cost and greenhouse gas emissions for 1985-2001 model year cars and trucks.
Multiple CountriesSee the SafeClimate carbon dioxide footprint calculator description in the Individuals section, above.
The CO2 Calculator
Calculates CO2 emissions from everyday Japanese electrical appliances and automobiles based on energy consumption figures.
United Kingdom
Energy to Carbon Dioxide Converter
Converts emissions from electricity consumption and transportation activities to equivalent amounts and provides information on ways U.K. households can reduce their energy consumption.
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